Today’s working world is changing more dynamically than ever before. In this fast moving environment expert professionals and leaders must embrace the opportunity of lifelong learning to best equip themselves to confront a host of new and complex challenges. As a forward thinking university the Technical University of Munich has founded the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning to support leaders confront the challenges of tomorrow.

The mission of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning is to promote the continuous, research-based education of international professionals at all stages of their career. TUM’s unique ecosystem can cater to the needs of science, business and wider international society in specialist and interdisciplinary fields with a particular focus on management and leadership. Utilizing the latest in digital innovation, the institute offers programs in further education that integrate the best of technical and natural sciences offered at our university. The TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning is dedicated not only to equipping participants with the knowledge they need, but also to develop them as responsible and effective leaders capable of confronting the social challenges of tomorrow.

Für Executives & Professionals

Stärken Sie Ihre Management­kom­petenzen und machen Sie sich mit Schlüssel­tech­nologien von morgen vertraut. Executive & Professional Education

Für alle Mitarbeiter*innen der TUM

Qualifizieren Sie sich weiter! Wir fördern die Talente unserer Mitarbeiter*innen an der TUM. Alle Angebote

Für wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen

Qualifizieren Sie sich weiter für Ihre anspruchsvollen Aufgaben in Forschung, Lehre und Wissenschaftsmanagement. Profitieren Sie von unseren Angeboten.


Sie sind im Wissenschaftsmanagement tätig und möchten Ihre Führungs- und Managementkompetenzen stärken oder möchten als Postdoktorand*in Ihre Kompetenzen im Bereich Wissenschaftsmanagement weiterentwickeln? Nutzen Sie unser offenes Kursprogramm!

For our Professors

With our customized training and coaching offers, we support you in your demanding leadership and management tasks at our university. Read more.

Learn online anywhere

Acquire and build on key technology and management skills with interactive online courses available from anywhere in the world. MOOCs.